Season 2

Season 2, Episode 2: Serial Games

In Season 2, Episode 2 of Cards and Cubes, we start with a challenging trivia about the bottom 10 games with logged plays on BGG for January 2022.

We continue with a discussion about Serial Games – game series which have mechanical or otherwise closely related “sequels.” We give some examples of “serialization” including mechanical, thematic, designer-related.

In particular, we focus on the “Century” and “Azul” series in depth, including our favorites and what we like or dislike about them.

0:00 – Intro

1:27 – Bottom 10 games with logged plays on BGG for January 2022

Serial Games

14:56 – Explanation of “Serial Games”
17:00 – Series of games based on an Intellectual Property vs Franchises vs mechanics
21:30 – Mechanically serialized games – Wildlands vs Judge Dredd, Blood Rage vs Midgard, Uwe Rosenberg?
29:35 – Why designers do this – Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition, 5211 Azul, Founders of Gloomhaven
37:19 – Examples of “serial” games – Azul, “something” of Midgard, “something” for the Galaxy, Valeria, Evolution, Catan, “Puzzle” trilogy by Uwe Rosenberg, Vast,

Century Series

42:49 – Intro

43:27 – Century: Spice Road
48:42 – Century: Golem Edition
50:32 – Century: Eastern Wonders / Century: Eastern Mountains
57:54 – Century: A New World / Century: Golem Edition – An Endless World
1:04:38 – Combining Century Games

Azul Series

1:12:01 – Azul
1:17:17 – Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra
1:20:06 – Azul: Summer Pavilion
1:22:14 – Azul: Queen’s Garden
1:25:43 – Favorites
1:34:16 – Changes to the drafting mechanic in Queen’s Garden

1:40:46 – Outro

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