

Passtally is the definition of a lean, mean abstract game. It doesn’t look like much, and a “tile laying path connection game” doesn’t sound like much either, but once you start to play you realize this is no Tsuro.

Absolutely clever, minimalist, attractive design delivers a highly enjoyable and brain-burning experience for 2 or 3 players. I’m guessing they didn’t scale it up further because of chaos concerns, and also because the size of it is bad enough as it is, even though it doesn’t look like much. Don’t let the colorful appearance deceive you – there’s a lot of depth and surprises here. The only thing that might be a bit unfortunate in the game is it’s hard to make “comebacks,” so if one player is better at the game than another, or if a mistake is made, it really shows. That being said, it’s the norm for a lot of abstract games.

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